Tuesday, June 2, 2009

sprinkle sprinkle

The rainy season is finally starting to show its face. Yesterday and today were cooler, and by cooler I mean under 90, with teeny tiny sprinkles of rain. Last night we had about 2 minutes of hard rain falling on the cabanas tin roof, and it made me jump out of sleep. We have had several more people quit, or decide to leave at the 2 weeks mark instead of the month mark. I guess there are just too many bugs and creepy crawlies and dirt. Im liking it though. I have gotten in the working groove, hauling dirt like the best of them. Our hole at the top of the mound is slowly advancing. After finding a wall Saturday, I was hoping to find the floor shortly after. But instead we followed the wall, chainsawed some of the huge trees down, and a million other activities deviating from me finding the floor. Tomorrow I am determined to do it. Otherwise, no new news. Other than a wall, I have found NOTHING. Boo. 

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